Options for Associates

Option 1:

Associate may celebrate Eucharist with the sisters at any time and is invited to profession and jubilee celebrations, funerals of sisters, missioning, and covenant ceremonies of new associates.

Option 2:

Associate enjoys the spiritual association and is connected with a local community of sisters and other associates who meet regularly for prayer, sharing and meals. Associate may serve on some committees in the community, and/or may be involved in the ministry of the sisters.

Option 3:

Associate(s) and sister(s) live the Franciscan lifestyle in community. Again, the associate may be involved in the ministry of the Congregation.

Associate Leadership Team Members Responsible for Associate Formation Program

Judy Hofman

945 Shepherd Drive
Fostoria, Ohio 44830
419.619.1425 Cell


Sr. Eileen Kazmierowicz

4909 West Edgerton Ave. Apt.310
Greenfield, WI 53220
414.817.1002 Home
414.421.0690 Work
